MGM Gives Two Classic Beginner Lessons
12 Beginner Lessons From Aaron Crowell
Strumming with Kimo
We have more lessons with Kimmo Hussey here. In fact there is a whole page dedicated to his lessons. Check that out here- Kimo Hussey Style
Corey Shows a Few Classics For Beginners

Comments 39
classic MGM❤️
What a great resource for beginners! I’m so glad I found it. I’ve hit a lull in my practice and this page helps to re-motivate me. Thanks!
Love that Aaron is a great teacher. I used these videos to teach my club the basics of a ukulele. I too have learned a lot watching it with my members!
I love the beginner lessons you offer on your site. Aaron is a good player and teacher. My goal is to go through all the 300 plus lessons you offer. Thank you, The Ukulele Site.
I llllove it!!! A real treasure chest of tutorials, now I got the motivation to try ukulele for real 🙂
I am so thankful to have found this resource. It opens up the world of Ukulele playing for beginners such as myself. The lessons are easy to follow and keep me motivated to learn more. This is an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn to play the Ukulele or improve upon what they are learning already.
Please don’t ever stop, Ukulele Site. You are appreciated!
Great site! These guys love what they do, and their passion shows in every page and every video. I will keep coming back.
Thanks for a great resource!
The resource center is awesome! Thanks
I love the lessons. I’ve been playing for 20+ years but am starting an Uke club at our Elementary school. The online lessons give a perspective and tips to beginners that I don’t have the teaching skills to impart.
Thank you.
Love the Advanced Progressions lesson. Even with standard progressions, I find that throwing in some “jazzy” chords really liven things up. A lot of pop today will keep things on open chords without a lot of flavor, and man does a 7th chord work well to wake up the music.
I am brand new to this, and I bought a baritone uke from your site. Its aesthetic, the quality of its build, and its sound are all beautiful! I have been using some of your lessons, which are definitely thorough and easy to use, and I highly recommend them for anyone using ukulele! However, I’ve been combining your videos with some books to transpose the lessons for baritone, which is a very slow process for me, since I’m so new to this. I know, it’s my fault that I chose the bari uke, but what can I say? I love it! So, I’m just wondering… are there plans to create lessons specifically for the baritone in the future? Either way, thanks for the great work you do in regards to instruments and education!
Yes, we I’m gonna be making a page with 4 or 5 we have soon. ANd then hopefully in the future make more.
This page is terrific! I bought a nice ukulele for my wife for her Sunday School classes (her Grandma’s old tourist model uke she had been using was so nasty ;). She practiced a bit and learned basic chords and strumming, but I just showed her some of these videos on various strums and I can sense it’s sparked some new motivation to practice more and go deeper. What a great resource.
So glad to find all these great resources!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! These beginner tips are perfect and I will be using these techniques to help students interested in learning how to play the ukulele. As a ukulele club advisor, this website’s tutorials, tips, and sheet music are great resources for the students. The club has rental ukes that students can borrow and to help them learn I will be referring them to these lessons.
Even though I’m not a beginner – these lessons are a great refresher and a good resource to point others to. Thanks!
WOW! I love super imposing the chord pic over the video to correspond with the music. I have never seen that before and have studied music for a long time. I will be coming back to this page! Thanks!
I can be difficult to find free beginner lessons that also provide the sheet music for free. The detail you put in, which again remind the students of suggestions and tips from the video lessons, makes video lessons and in fact coming to this site to learn all worth while.
I am so glad that you offer the beginner lessons. I do not have background in music and Ukulele is my first instrument to learn since I heard it’s easier to learn. Thank you for this resources.
Really appreciate the lessons, as well as the performances. Gives me something to strive for!
The “Lessons page” really gives beginners a way to get started at home. To start your lessons in private allows you to not be so inhibited if you make a mistake. Aaron explains things so well and for me, he demonstrates at right rate of speed so that I totally understand the lesson. Thank you for providing this page and it touches my heart to see MGM doing “Over the Rainbow”!
I have to start with a bit of background. I attended the Juilliard school back in the early 70’s and was a professional symphony musician. I am retired and wanted to learn something new. This past March I traded in an old 12 string guitar that sat unplayed for 30 years at a local shop for a cheapo soprano ukulele. I immediately fell in love with the instrument and began researching lessons on the internet. My past experience with music taught me that it is good to study with a variety of teachers. These lessons are absolutely wonderful. They are presented in a very thoughtful manner. This led me to also signing up with Ukulele Underground, which in turn led me to wanting a much grander instrument than my cheapo soprano. After much research, soul searching and an in depth study of my back account, I purchased a Pono Mahogany/Cedar Slothead Tenor from the Ukulele Site in May. The service is truly world class and they are always available with a cheerful answer to what may seem my mundane beginner questions. I practice daily and am amazed at the possible heights the instrument in the right hands is capable of. Thanks so much for all you do to promote this beautiful instrument and the music it can make.
The Beginner Lessons really helped be get started with playing the Ukulele. I have “played around” with instruments all my life, but none really took until I tried the Ukulele. But once I had one in hand I had to figure out how to play it. Working may way through these lessons really gave me a jump start and allowed me to start playing some easy songs right away. I have enjoyed watching them all and especially the ones featuring Kimo. I liked his discussing how you have to figure out how to get from one chord to another. While I still find some of them difficult for this beginner I am still learning from them.
This is a wonderful resource! So happy to find it here! My daughter and I are still beginners and we are excited to watch these together. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for making these videos, the Hawaiian Vamp lesson really opened up the world of ukulele for me! Plus it’s just fun to play on repeat.
After taking a beginner lesson earlier this year while on holiday in Maui, I was hooked on the uke. I am now planning a return to Hawaii next week to visit HMS and buy a quality instrument. The website, videos and podcasts, and other beginner resources offered here are invaluable for learning about the various types of instruments and playing techniques. Looking forward to visiting the store and meeting the HMS folks.
This is such an awesome collection of resources. I really loved Kimo’s lessons – wow.
Thanks for making these available to all us strummers who are trying to get our skills up. MAybe one day we’ll be as good as you guys.
Happily fighting with Over the Rainbow… getting better!
are the lessons new to the resource center? This is so great…I’ll be back to help myself move along. Thank you.
No, we just reorganized this section to better show them. We will be doing more though in the future. Mahalo.
I have your site bookmarked; it is indispensible to me. Glad to have this opportunity to say “thank you” for the abundant materials in this resource center. The new format highlights the breadth of this collection. I am a beginner with no music background, just a life-long music itch that I am scratching at long last! I can’t say enough about how encouraging these lessons are, and how much I have learned. And, if I need a boost, a little “aloha”…I click on Mike’s lessons. What a sweetheart; he is always remembered. Thanks for the great resources.
The fan strum is a fun and versatile technique to add to any player’s toolkit! Looking forward to learning more here.
I’ve been doing a lot of practice with picking patterns but really need to go back and master these classic uke strums.
Nothing makes me feel like a beginner more than not being able to chuck properly. And the fan strum is just such a lovely way to add complexity to a basic chord progression song.
It’s always a struggle here in bluegrass country not to just treat the Uke like a different instrument – do claw hammer for example or just play my baritone and blend in with the guitars. But I want to be a ukulele player, not a faux banjo or mandolin payer, and watching videos like these (especially of Kimo Hussey) reaffirms why.
I find these lessons excellent for everyone learning to play ukulele. Basically you can learn about chords, strumming techniques and how to play some popular songs if you apply yourself. I thinks it’s good to see videos from different teachers because you can benefit from diverse teaching approaches.
Maybe later you may include lessons for advanced or intermediates uke players in another section. Thank you for these videos, and hopefully we can see more of them in the near future.
Thanks for the tutorials…my 7 y.o. son and I just got ukes and are starting to learn together, it is nice to show him some videos that he can follow along with. Funny thing is my daughter has been playing acoustic guitar for a couple of years, picked up my sons uke the other day and started teaching herself Hey Soul Sister from the site. I am amazed what awesome resources our kids (and myself!) can find these days to teach themselves. Thanks for putting more quality stuff out there for us to learn from!
So easy to follow and the Hawaiian vamp was exactly what I was looking for to get that classic ukulele sound. Thanks for making these!
Just received my uk, couldn’t be happier with my decision to buy from HMS
Thanks a million for these resources; they’ve been wonderful for me to use as I learn to play my tenor ukulele – which, by the way, is a beautiful instrument made even better by the precision and care the staff at HMS put into setting it up. You do amazing work, both in the instruments and the online resources you provide. I recommend this site to anyone I run into who plays or has an interest in learning to play the ukulele.