Learn to Play Super Mario Bros theme on Ukulele!

If you’re under the age of 40, you’ve probably played this video game and have heard this tune many times. The cool thing is, it’s in the perfect range to play on the ukulele, and when you get it down you are sure to put a smile on someones face. So here’s part 1 of the tutorial, the video underneath it is what you’re gonna sound like after a week of practicing! Have fun~

New Ukulele Tutorial Series! “Close To You”- the Jake Shimabukuro Version – Part 1

on the fourth of January Jake Shimabukuro is releasing a new CD called Peace Love and Ukulele. You can preorder your digital download from his website – http://jakeshimabukuro.com/peaceloveukulele/ . I love Jake’s music and passion but neve really had the time to sit and figure out his compositions, actually most of them are beyond my technical ability, but his rendition of the Carpenters classic – “Close to You” from his Sunday Morning CD. If you do not have this album..Go to iTunes!!

Aaron gives a short fun lesson, and the NEW HMS Website!!

Here is a fairly easy one from Aaron.  A bit of a Polka.  I found it fun to play.  Maybe you will too!Perfect for kids or beginners that can only hold one finger at a time, ….until that G7!! This weekend we are launching our new website! and having some really cool sales too! It is quite a resource because …

Free Lessons! ~Chord Substitutions on the Ukulele~

After a few months of dodging my camera, I finally got Aaron while he wasn’t teaching or helping someone in the store, and specifically asked him to show us some chord substitutions. He replies, “oh, ok I’ll just give them the phone number”. I know Aaron already so, even though I didn’t know the phone number, I knew I was about to learn something cool.

Corey serves up a Fingerpickin’ Lesson- 3 popular techniques for the uke

Corey Fujimoto from Hawaii Music Supply gives us a few fingerpicking patterns for the ukulele that we can pretty much spend the rest of our lives trying to master. These are the type of exercises you need to work through though, if you really want lasting musical prowess of the ukulele. If you want to play whats in your head you need technical skills.