We just got this instrument in from our friend on the Big Island, Chuck Moore. In case you guys didn’t already know, I’m a huge fan of Chuck’s Moore Bettah Ukes. So how’s this one stack up? As my buddy Len said, “it’s just ridiculous”. As in, so incredible it’s mind blowing. But primarily because of the sound and feel. The tone inspires and feel is like buttah. Moore Bettah Buttah, easy fo press. And even with low action this tenor has an abundance of sustain and volume. Also noteworthy is how “true” it plays all the way up the fretboard. People love MB’s for their superior musical qualities and this one is exceptional in that regard.
But this one is more than an amazing instrument. It’s also one of a kind art work. Chuck shows stunning inlay skills here. Lets talk about the inlay.
Composition stone, gold mother of pearl, paua abalone, pink mussel shell, and koa all combine to give us this fascinating scene. A gorgeous “peacock” under the moon. Or maybe I should say handsome, because peacocks are males. Females are “peafowl” and don’t have the fancy feathers. What a gift of nature those feathers are. The color, especially the “eyes” on the tail feathers, is just enthralling to look at. Chuck managed to capture that iridescence of the “eyes” by using abalone, which is semitransparent, over the composition stone which is opaque or solid. So the dimension pops out on the abalone eyes for a dazzling effect. The feather inlay on the fretboard has vibrancy and energy. Definitely one of my favorite inlays ever!

Corey first samples this uke with a Worth all plain high G CH set above and Aaron demo’s it with a southcoast set, low g below. Enjoy!
Other posts featuring Moore Bettah – HERE
Comments 5
I’m assuming is is sold, but I’m asking anyway, is it sold?
Chuck Moore is the best…wow!!!
the tone of the uke can not be beat….
Thanks Chuck and Andrew….the pictures and video the recording is top notch….
and my friends Corey and Aaron…the best at showing how a MB should sound..
I am so glad I got to see and feel this Moore Bettah before it moves on to the the lucky new owner!!!
I just bought a Tenor from you guys… But I’d love to get that one!!
Thank you guys for giving us a chance to enjoy this uke. The amazing pictures and sound samples are a great way for everyone to be able to enjoy this masterpiece. I have already watched both videos several times, and I probably won’t stop. I don’t even think it’s necessary anymore to note that Chuck is an artist–he obviously is. His work could easily show in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, and I believe that he and Grit Laskin are in a world apart from the rest.
WOW! It sounds even better than it looks!
Thanks Corey and Aaron for this and all the other demos you do!
Thanks to everyone that posted this.